Many medical centers now have sustainability departments whose mandate is to reduce the environmental footprint of their operations, while maintaining clinical excellence and improving operating costs. Products that are clinically equivalent (or better), cost efficient, and more environmentally sustainable are rare and in high demand. memsorb™ was carefully designed and tested so that it can be deployed as part of greening and sustainability initiatives at your institution.
Due to its unique characteristics, memsorb™ has a number of sustainability benefits that allow your hospital system to:
Depending on the size of your institution, by eliminating single-use absorbent material, thousands of kilograms of chemical waste can be diverted from landfill.
A meaningful reduction in the release of ozone-depleting/greenhouse gases can only be achieved by practicing low-flow anesthesia. Concerns of environmental sustainability are exacerbated by the practice of high fresh gas flows. This practice results in excessive venting of anesthetic vapors which are ozone-depleting/greenhouse gases. Membrane-based filtration technology provides the basis for the safe practice of lower flow anesthesia. Our clinical data suggests that once the benefits of filtration technology are communicated to the anesthesiologist, their behavior is impacted, reducing their average anesthetic vapor consumption in excess of 35% 1. This results in significant cost savings and enhanced environmental impact.
1 Hung O, Wilfart F, Ford Z, Morrison L, Roach DC, Schmidt M. An Innovative Device for CO2 Removal using membrane technology instead of chemical absorbent in anaesthetic circuits: preliminary clinical results. Euranaesthesia: European Anaesthesia Congress. June 2-4, 2018; Copenhagen, Denmark
At the end of its useful life, memsorb™ does not need to be sent to landfill. memsorb™ can be returned to the manufacturer for disassembly and recycling.