DMF Medical, Inc. (“DMF”) is committed to ensuring the privacy of any personal information shared with this website. DMF will use your information solely to respond to and/or contact you. Any user information will not be shared with third-party organisations unless it is consented or deemed necessary by the user. DMF treats the protection of user information with utmost importance. All information submitted to the DMF website is protected both online and offline.
This site uses cookies. A cookie is a file that may be added to the website user’s computer when they visit the website and that contains information about their computer to help identify frequent visitors to the DMF website. Cookies are in no way traceable or identifiable to any personal information on the DMF website.
DMF retains the right to contact the user for promotional reasons or for changes to this policy unless otherwise prior indicated by the user. The user may opt out of or unsubscribe from contact from us at any time by contacting us using the information found on the “contact us” section of the DMF website. DMF may change portions of this privacy policy at any time without prior notice.
DMF Medical Inc. (“DMF”)’s website, its design, information, copy, images, graphic elements, and downloads of any kind ("CONTENT") are protected by copyright. Unauthorised use of the DMF website or its CONTENT may be deemed a criminal offence and be grounds to claim for damages, if necessary. The DMF website contains CONTENT copyrighted by, owned by, or licensed to us. Reproduction of this CONTENT is strictly prohibited. Any content on the DMF website that is not owned by or operated by DMF is acknowledged whenever possible.
Please contact us at for any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy.